Hey friend! Welcome to Coffee With Kara! Today we’re chatting about something different than usual- I’m going to be sharing I started getting involved with the pro-life movement.

I start off by sharing how my pro-life journey began when I saw the movie Unplanned (more details about that experience here) and how I started tip-toeing my way into the movement. And I’m going to share with you what I’ve been doing this summer to be pro-life.

In addition to telling my story, I’m going to briefly talk about resources for women who have had an abortion. I know that this is a super-sensitive topic and I hope I come across as loving and not judgemental. My desire is to help pregnant women and women who have had an abortion in any small way that I can. If you or someone you know is pregnant or has had an abortion, I encourage you to check out the resources I have linked below. <3

In this episode, I also share a few ways you can join the pro-life movement too, in case you’re interested in that.

But the bulk of this episode is just my pro-life story. :)

This is a longer episode than normal- so if you’re driving someplace far away or need a buddy whilst you’re cleaning your apartment, I’d love to join you LOL!

And I’d love to hear your thoughts about this topic too… as long as it’s not in an angry or hateful manner. I’m not interested in starting a debate nor am I fully educated on all of the political issues surrounding abortion today (there’s honestly too many to keep track of LOL! But I’m learning).

However, I would love to have a friendly discussion with you. If you have any questions about my story or would like to share yours, you can either leave a comment on this post or leave me a voice message through Anchor. (Learn how to do that here.)

Enough chit-chat, let’s get started!

Grab your favorite drink and join me for our coffee date!

You can listen to this episode of Coffee With Kara in a few different ways.

You can search for “Coffee With Kara” in your iTunes podcasts app. It’s also available through Google PodcastsSpotify, and more! (Full list here!)

Or, you can listen here by clicking “play” below :)



Helpful Resources:


If you’re interested in pro-life organizations…


If you or someone you know is pregnant…


If you or someone you know has had an abortion…


Also- This is the Abby Johnson YouTube video I mentioned at the beginning of the episode.

Let’s be Instagram friends! @joybecausegrace


This is the story of how I stopped passively being pro-life and started being actively involved with the pro-life movement.