Confession: I book-hop. Meaning, I tend to jump from one book to the next without finishing the first one… only to come back to the first and finish it before I finish the five other books I’ve started. When it comes to the pro-life books on this list, I’m no different.

And so to continue my confession, I must admit that I’ve only finished one of the books on this list. I’ve only read through half of the others. But I do plan on finishing them at some point! And from what I’ve read so far I know that they’re great books and so I have no difficulty recommending them to you.

So anywho, here are five pro-life books you need to read :)


Looking for a good pro-life book to read? Here are five of my favorite pro-life books that I highly recommend you check out!


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1. Unplanned by Abby Johnson

The book that inspired the movie that inspired me to become pro-life.

I’ve talked about the movie Unplanned here on Joy Because Grace before. Shortly after seeing it, I decided I wanted to read the book.

And, oh my goodness, this book is amazing!

Like the movie, Unplanned shares the conversion story of Abby Johnson who was the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic director. She worked at the Planned Parenthood in College Station, TX, for about 8 years I believe and had 2 abortions herself.

Reading her story was just as amazing as watching the movie. In fact, there were more details at times in the book which I liked because it added to her story. And you get more information about the court case at the end whereas the movie kinda skips over that part.

Anywho, I recommend both the book and the movie. :)


(P.S. This is the one book from this list that I have finished.)


2. Subverted by Sue Ellen Browder

Subtitled “How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement,” this book is a fascinating read.

I love history and so reading about the beginnings of the sexual revolution was fascinating for me. I’ve often wondered how feminism today is linked to abortions and birth control. Isn’t it more empowering to be a working mom rather than becoming like a man by shutting off your fertility?

Anywho, this book dives into all of that. And apparently, the women’s movement of the 60s started off by rejecting abortion and wanting women’s rights such as maternity leave. The women’s movement wanted to support working moms AND stay at home moms.

However, all of that changed once the sexual revolution merged with the women’s movement. A merge that was pushed by men, I might add.

I highly recommend this book!

3. Won By Love by Norma McCorvey

This is the story of the Jane Roe from the infamous supreme court case Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in the U.S.

It’s Norma’s autobiography.

Reading about the court case from her perspective was fascinating. Learning that she didn’t even end up having the abortion the case centered on was interesting as well.

Her story is amazing and I highly suggest you read it!

4. Persuasive Pro-Life by Trent Horn

This was the first pro-life book I picked up after watching Unplanned.

If you want a book that teaches you how to talk about abortion as a pro-lifer, this book is for you.

It walks you through how to have conversations with people who support abortions regardless of their reasonings.

I’ve found it to be very helpful. :)

5. The Beginning of the End of Abortion by Shawn Carney

Shawn Carney and his wife are the founders of the 40 Days For Life campaigns. Fun fact: The first 40 Days for Life campaign was held outside the Planned Parenthood that Abby Johnson worked at and you see Shawn and Marilisa depicted in the movie Unplanned. 

Anywho, this is the book I’m reading right now, during the fall 40 Days campaign.

The book is divided into 40 chapters and so I think it was designed to be read during the 40 Days For Life. I thought it was going to be more of a devotional, but it’s more like telling different pro-life stories.

So far I really like it!

So those are my top 5 pro-life book recommendations.

If you have read any other pro-life books that aren’t listed here, please leave the titles in a comment so I can check them out :)