Dear friend, I feel like I’ve been MIA lately. Oops. I probably feel that way because I didn’t post on Monday, like I’ve been trying to do this summer, and because I didn’t send out an email newsletter last week… But it’s summer, and I have a gazillion things floating around in my head, and so I’m trying to give myself grace. What have I been up to this summer? Well, let’s see now… Recuperating from my mission trip to… Read more »

The gate slammed shut right as my brother and I reached the front of the line. Four-year-old Kyle stuck out his lower lip and proceeded to grasp ahold of the gate, peering through the wires at the lucky kids who were already able to enter the gate and ride the fun Taz Swings at this Six Flags park. His brow furrowed and he begun to shake the gate as hard as his tiny arms could. “Let me in!” He pouted…. Read more »

Grief consumed me, like a monster gulping down its meal. I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face. It was a few months after my cousin had suddenly died and I didn’t understand why God would let him die- especially with no warning. I felt alone and mournful, and cried out to God, hoping He would hear me. A moment later, my phone buzzed. I wiped my eyes as I looked down at it. I had a text from… Read more »

Eleven year old Anna Cathrine was leaning against the back of the couch, scrolling through Pinterest on her phone. Her younger sister was stretched out over the Twister rug as I spun the spinner for her. “Place a foot on green,” I said, and the small four year old reached for the green circle, and fell to the ground. Anna Cathrine looked up from her phone, and excitedly exclaimed “I’m beautiful!” I grinned. True, but a little random. Where did that… Read more »

Hey y’all! I’m going to my first ever blogging conference in a little less than a month and I am SOOOO excited :) :) :) It’s the Declare Conference which is hosted in Dallas, Texas. And since it’s almost time for the conference, and so the Declare team thought it would be fun for us to do a link up to get to know each other. And seeing as how it’s been a while since I’ve done an “About Me”… Read more »