The story of how I decided to see the movie “Unplanned”

Have you ever played the game “Never have I ever?”

If not, it’s super fun. It’s a great way to pass the time when you’re waiting in a long line.

Basically what happens is- Everyone starts by holding up ten fingers which represent your points. Then, someone says something that they have never done that they think the other people in the group have done. Then they say that statement, and everyone who has done that thing loses a point (represented by fingers). The last person to have points left wins.

For example,  I could say “Never have I ever been to DisneyWorld” and everyone who has gone to DisneyWorld would lose a point.

I used to could say “Never have I ever seen an R-rated movie” during that game. Now I can’t.

You see, last week, I watched my first one.

Let me explain a little…

Not seeing R-rated movies is a personal conviction I’ve had for a long time. However, a few months ago, my friend Michaela texted me a screenshot about an upcoming R-rated movie that would tempt me to change my stance.

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My immediate response was “Nope. Rated R. No can do.”

…But then I looked into the movie more. I researched it. And it looked really good!

Later that day I told my mom, “I kinda want to go see Unplanned. It’s about Abby Johnson, who used to work at Planned Parenthood and was the youngest clinic director until she became pro-life and quit… But it’s rated R… but I kinda want to see it anyway.”

“Good,” Mom said. “You need to stop being legalistic about seeing R-rated movies.”

‘Was I being legalistic about R-rated movies?’ I wondered. I mean, I haven’t even seen The Passion of the Christ. But other than that, most all R-rated movies have something in them I don’t want to see. Sex. Nudity. Extreme violence. Profanity. ‘Yuck! No thank you!’

I kept researching Unplanned. 

I followed them on Instagram. And I became more and more convinced that I was supposed to go see this movie. The Holy Spirit just would not let me forget about it.

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I discovered that the only reason why this movie was rated R was because of three abortion scenes. Other than that, it was totally clean.

I wrestled with wondering if I could sit through an abortion scene. In the past, I have had the opportunity to see videos of what abortions look like, and I have always avoided them because the thought of seeing the procedures makes me squeamish.

I decided I’d wait and see what Michaela would say about it once she’d seen it, and then I’d make my decision.

Michaela saw Unplanned on opening night with her family.

And then she proceeded to text me:

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Michaela assured me that it was obvious when the abortion scenes were about to happen and so I’d have plenty of time to look away if I wanted to. That comforted me. After talking to Michaela, I decided once and for all that this was a movie I needed to see.

Monday, April 1, 2019, I saw my first R-rated movie.


When the credits started rolling, I left the theater with a newfound passion for the pro-life movement.

And I want to encourage you to go see this movie! Even if you aren’t 17 yet- get parental permission and go see this movie!!

Because seriously, can we just talk about the irony that a girl can get an abortion before she is 17, but she can’t see a movie about abortion when she’s younger than 17. Hmmm…. something’s off with that logic…

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I’m convinced it’s only rated R because Hollywood doesn’t want people to see this movie.

Before I saw “Unplanned,” I researched Abby Johnson and her story. I recommend you do the same if you don’t know who she is. I watched a couple of YouTube videos before I saw the movie and I’ll link them below so you can see them if you want.

Also, this article in which Abby states why her story is a valid, true story is a great resource.

Moral of the story? Go see Unplanned.

Regardless of if you are pro-life, pro-choice, or unsure, go see this movie. The movie sheds light on the inner workings of one of America’s largest corporations and is something I believe every woman- young or old- should see.