If you’ve been in the fertility awareness community for any amount of time, you’ve probably come across some acronyms: NFP FAM FEMM STM LH BBT CM TTA / TTC / TTW The list goes on and on! Well, today I’m going to break down what each of these acronyms mean :) *IMAGE* NFP = Natural Family Planning NFP/ Natural Family Planning is an umbrella term for natural family planning methods, such as Billings, FEMM, Creighton, Marquette, etc. NFP requires the… Read more »

Today I want to chat about an amazing product that has helped my periods tremendously! Keep reading for a review of Semaine! Over the past five years, I’ve been on a journey to find natural ways to relieve period cramps. I’ve discovered certain essential oils help me. I’ve started drinking raspberry leaf tea. But even still, sometimes I still need to take a pill. I don’t really like depending on Midol or Tylenol to get me through my cramps because… Read more »

When I was fourteen, I learned that some types of hormonal birth control might cause abortions. I shared this new information with my best friend. She told me that that’s one of the reasons that she wanted to use NFP when she got married. “That’s what my parents do,” she said. My best friend is Catholic and I’m so grateful for her introducing me to NFP from such a young age. Later on, in high school, I started having bad… Read more »