The story of how I decided to see the movie “Unplanned” Have you ever played the game “Never have I ever?” If not, it’s super fun. It’s a great way to pass the time when you’re waiting in a long line. Basically what happens is- Everyone starts by holding up ten fingers which represent your points. Then, someone says something that they have never done that they think the other people in the group have done. Then they say that statement, and… Read more »

I’m ashamed. Afraid. Worried about what other people might think of me. The opinions of people I barely know matter to me. I want people I just met to like me, before I even know if I like them. If their opinion should matter. When I walk to class, I tend to avoid eye contact with people, just like everyone else does. Eyes straight ahead. Or down at a phone. But that’s not what I want. I want to be unashamed.  Like Rachel… Read more »