When I was in high school, there was a pro-life club at my school. I was a part of it my freshmen and sophomore years.

However, I didn’t do much besides show up for the monthly meetings.

Once I think I showed up for a “Life Chain” event one Sunday in October. But that’s about it.

After seeing Unplanned, I decided I had to do something more than just saying “I’m pro-life.” I had to join the pro-life movement.

But deciding to do something and actually doing something are two totally different things.

Discovering how to get involved was a process that took a month of diligent searching and prayer.

I innately knew how I did not want to get involved. For example, I’ve never been pregnant, so I knew mentoring women through their pregnancy would not be a good fit for me.

But offering free childcare to women who chose life so they can go to parenting classes? That I could do!

We all have different gifts and talents.

One of my friends, for example, didn’t want to be on the childcare team of the pregnancy care center I volunteered at. But she did have a background in graphic design and decided to volunteer by joining their media team.

And so I ask you: What are your talents? How can you get involved with the pro-life movement?

And if you don’t know where to start, you can do what I did. Google “Pro-life groups in [city name].”

Once you Google it, look into each organization. I’m sure you’ll find some way to get involved that allows you to use your unique gifts and talents.

If there’s nothing in your town, consider commuting to a different city near you. This summer, at least once a week I would travel to a town that was about 45 minutes away so I could volunteer by providing childcare at the pregnancy care center.

I don’t say this to brag. I say this to point out that we truly have no excuse to sit on the sidelines. We all can get involved somehow, but we must truly want to.

I wish I could go back in time and tell my 14-year-old self to get involved with the pro-life movement.

To do more than just show up for a meeting once a month. To do more than say “I’m pro-life.”

But I can’t.

Instead, I must take those steps to BE pro-life now.

And so can you.

I encourage you to research ways you can get involved. And as you research, pray about it. Pray that God would show you the best way you can join the movement while using your gifts and talents.

Read more 40 Days For Life journal posts.