The movie Unplanned changed everything for me.

Watching that movie, I knew deep down that I couldn’t just watch the abortion issue from the sidelines. I had to get up from the comfy Cinemark movie seat and do something.

I didn’t know where to begin, but there was a phone number that flashed across the screen at the end of the movie along with a message that was something like, “If you or someone you know has had an abortion, or if you want to join the fight against it, text this number.”

Quickly, I memorized the five digit number and then texted it later that night. I received a list of resources and the names of various organizations I could get involved with.

That night, I Google searched “Planned Parenthoods near me” and was surprised to find one not that far away from me.

The abortion issue suddenly wasn’t one far off in capital buildings that policymakers fight over. It now was in my own back yard.

Ultimately, the resurrection of Christ changed everything.

A world that was bleak and without hope now had hope.

1 Corinthians 15:14 says, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (ESV).

But Jesus did come back to life after He died.

“If he did rise from the dead, that makes him the conqueror of death. It also means we can never despair in the face of death or in the culture of death.” -Shawn Carney*

I’m sad to say it, but we are living in a culture of death. A culture where shootings happen all the time and abortions are commonplace. It’s easy to become discouraged or to despair in light of our dark culture.

However, the resurection of Christ changes everything because “there is no room for despair in a life spent following Christ, no matter what is happening in the culture around us. Despair is for those who believe it is up to them to fix everything. Christians don’t live in that world. We live as soldiers serving our victorious Master.” -Shawn Carney*

Because of Jesus, I have abundant hope despite the crazy world around me. I feel peace, even when my surroundings aren’t peaceful.

And through Jesus, you can have hope and peace too.

If you don’t know the hope and peace that Jesus gives to His followers, please message me or talk to a local pastor. We’d love to tell you more.

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*Shawn Carney quotes from the book  The Beginning of the End of Abortion. 

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