A few weeks ago, I published a podcast about my journey into being pro-life. Today, I was reflecting on my journey and realizing that my pro-life journey has returned to the beginning in a sense.

Tomorrow starts the fall 40 Days For Life campaign. 40 Days For Life is a span of forty days where people pray outside of abortion facilities. You can learn more about it by clicking here.

Tonight my boyfriend and I attended a 40 Days kick-off event at my local Planned Parenthood. And I felt sort of nostalgic, as my very first pro-life event was the closing event for the spring 40 Days campaign.

So much happened over this past summer in regards to me and my pro-life stance. Over the summer I truly embraced what it means to BE pro-life. (More about that in the podcast episode.)

And like I said above, tomorrow starts the fall 40 Days campaign. I’m so excited because it’s my first 40 Days campaign. Yay!! So every Sunday for the next several weeks, I will be praying for an hour outside of the local Planned Parenthood.

But in addition to physically going and praying for an hour on site, I also want to pray for the next forty days in my apartment too. Because, even though it’s impractical for me to go to Planned Parenthood every day after teaching, I can still pray each morning.

And I want to challenge you to pray for the end of abortion as well.

Throughout the next forty days, I’m going to be sharing my thoughts here on my blog. Journal-style. Like how blogging used to be ;)

This will mainly serve two purposes:

  1. It will allow me to record what I’m learning and discovering for me to refer back to in the future.
  2. It will let me share what I’m learning with you! :)

I’m not going to say upfront that I’ll be blogging my thoughts every day for the next forty days. I committed to a forty-day Facebook Live schedule last year and it completely wore me out!

I’d much rather commit to praying every single day as opposed to blogging… but when I can, I will. And I’ll include which day it is in the 40 Days campaign in my title of the post. :)

Talk to you soon!

Read more 40 Days For Life journal posts.