Did you know that the Premium Starter Kit isn’t the only way you can get started with Young Living? There are a few other options, one of which is the Thieves Starter Kit.

This kit has been out of stock so much over the past several months. I think it’s due to all the craziness that’s happening in our world right now. Whenever it comes back in stock people jump on it and it gets sold out again!

When I got started with Young Living, I purchased the Premium Starter Kit. However, thanks to Essential Rewards I’ve been slowly switching out my toxin-filled cleaning supplies with the Thieves line.

Today the Thieves Starter Kit is back in stock!! Whoo-hoo!

I have a post which contains the cost break down of everything in the Premium Starter Kit, and so today I decided to do a cost break down of the Thieves Starter Kit to see how much of savings it is.

Thieves Starter Kit Cost Break Down


Have you heard of the Thieves Starter Kit? It's the fastest way to replace all of your toxin-filled cleaning supplies. Let's break down the cost!


What Comes in the Thieves Starter Kit…

  • 15 mL Thieves Essential Oil Blend- $45.72
  • 2 bottles of Thieves Hand Sanitizer- $13.16 ($6.58 each)
  • Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste- $13.82
  • Thieves Fresh Essense Mouthwash- $14.80
  • 2 bottles of Thieves Spray- $24.34 ($12.17 each)
  • 2 bottles of Thieves Foaming Hand Soap- $34.86 ($17.43 each)
  • 2 Bottles of Thieves Household Cleaner- $59.22 ($29.61 each)

Total Cost? $205.92

You get it for $125!

Okay, so now let’s discuss how I use each of these items…

15 mL Thieves Essential Oil Blend

As I mentioned in this post, I absolutely love the smell of Thieves! I diffuse it during the fall and winter the most because it smells like autumn. I think it’s the clove and the cinnamon in it :)

Thieves is GREAT for your immune system. That’s the main reason that it’s the basis of the entire Young Living cleaning line!

I have made a roller bottle with Thieves and frankincense that I roll on before I go shopping nowadays.

Thieves Hand Sanitizer

This stuff is great! Kills 99.99% of germs!

I keep it in my purse and it has replaced my sparkly Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer.

I’m a total germaphobe so I don’t like going anywhere without some sort of hand sanitizer. My favorite thing about the Thieves hand sanitizer is that you only need the teensiest bit to spread on your hands so it lasts so long!!

Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste

Currently, I use the Thieves Whitening Toothpaste, but I have used the Aromabright version in the past.

Weird confession- this toothpaste makes a great natural deodorant! You just dab a little bit on your fingers and then rub it on your armpits. It sounds weird, but it totally works!

Thieves Fresh Essences Mouthwash

I’ve never used this because I’ve never really ever used mouthwash. Some of my friends have used it though and they said it works great! They also said it has a strong taste, so be aware of that. :)

Thieves Spray

I keep my Thieves Spray in my purse! The bottle is so tiny it fits perfectly! :) When I go grocery shopping, I spray this on the shopping cart handle to make sure it’s nice and clean before I use it. :)

I’ve also sprayed it on sketchy gas station toilets before I used them LOL! (Is that TMI? If so, sorry!)

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

I’ve also never used this but I really want to try it someday! My roommate and I currently have a big refill bottle of generic hand soap, so when we start running low on that I’ll probably add the Thieves hand soap to my Essential Rewards order. :)

Thieves Household Cleaner

Oh my goodness this stuff is amazing! I got a bottle of the Thieves cleaner back in October 2018 and I have not run out yet!

It’s said that one bottle of Thieves cleaner can make 42 16oz spray bottles. That’s because you only need one capful for that size bottle! You fill the rest up with water.

I have two 16oz glass spray bottles. One I keep in my bathroom and the other I keep in my kitchen. For the kitchen spray bottle, I actually used two capfuls of Thieves cleaner so that it could be extra strong.

I was nervous to use this cleaner in my kitchen until I saw a science experiment someone did on IGTV where they rubbed raw chicken on their kitchen counters and then cleaned it with the Thieves cleaner. If you want me to send that video to you, send me a message on Instagram and I’ll get it to you :)

Which kit should I get- the Thieves Starter Kit or the Premium Starter Kit?

Great question!

When you are a Young Living member, you are a member forever as long as you make one purchase a year. If you don’t do that, you become inactive. You can reactivate your membership by purchasing a Thieves Starter Kit! This is a great option for you if you still have your essential oils but want to reactivate your account and get some cleaning supplies in the process.

Or, you might prefer this kit if you aren’t really sure about essential oils and you want to get started with the cleaning line as a cheaper option ($125 vs $165) It’s a great way to see what you think about Young Living and you get one bottle of essential oil and if you like them, you’re now a member so you can order more essential oils on Essential Rewards!

Personally, I would go with the Premium Starter Kit. You get more products and it comes with one bottle of Thieves Hand Sanitizer and one bottle of Thieves Spray. Then, you can slowly replace your cleaning supplies with the Thieves cleaning line as you need to with the Essential Rewards program. (That’s what I did!)

Ready to get started?

Yay! You can get the Thieves Starter Kit (or the Premium Starter Kit) by going to yl.pe/karabeth. I can’t wait to have you join my oils family!

Leave a comment if you have any questions! I’m more than happy to help you out! :)