Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get essential oils for free?

Young Living Essential Oils are high quality and high-value products. As such, they’re not the cheapest things out there.

And that’s a good thing.

Cheapy oils are filled with fillers and chemicals or the plants are grown with pesticides, allowing more crops to be grown and sold for less. However, the quality of the oils decreases with its price.

In my post “Is the Young Living Premium Starter Kit Worth the Price?”, I wrote down the cost of each item in the starter kit and added it up. It ended up being about $485. The cost of the kit is $165- so you’re getting everything for over half off! That’s amazing!

However… I know that for some spending $165 all at once for oils is a stretch. Do I believe it’s worth it? 1000% yes!

But what if I told you there was a way you can earn back your $165 and end up getting your oils for free?

Say whaaattt?


Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a way you could get high quality essential oils for free? Thankfully there is a way!


Young Living has an AMAZING referral program! When you tell your friends and family members about Young Living and they buy a starter kit, you get a $50 check! Tell four friends and help them sign up and you’ve made a small profit!

Some people have turned selling Young Living essential oils into their full-time job. Personally, Young Living is my maternity plan and how I hope to stay home with any kids I may have someday.

I encourage you to go check out Young Living’s Income Disclosure Statement to see the possibilities! When I first heard how much some people make through Young Living my mind was blown and my dreams were set.

I also wrote a blog post titled 5 Young Living Business Myths you should check out if you’re feeling skeptical.

However, you don’t have to start a business if you don’t want to.

You only need to refer 4 people to make $200. And you can stop there if you want or you can keep sharing and make more money. :)

Then, if seven months from now your Great Aunt Suzie decides she wants oils, you can refer her and make another $50.

And referring people doesn’t have to be complicated.

You just talk about your oils and allow your excitement for the products to get others excited too! You share oils with friends if they share a problem with you you know oils can fix.

Also, you don’t have to be an “expert” to share about essential oils. Someone in one of my oil Facebook groups referred a friend before she even got her oils in the mail!

You just have to be excited about the oils and passionate enough to invite people to come along this journey with you.

It’s important that you choose carefully who you sign up with when you join Young Living.

You want to pick someone who has good resources and a strong team ahead of them that you and anyone you sign up can join. I have a whole post written about why it matters who you sign up with.

When you sign up with me, I invite you to join all our team’s educational Facebook groups. Then, anyone who you sign up can join those groups as well.

Speaking as someone still fairly new to the oil world myself, these Facebook groups have been so helpful in me feeling comfortable and confident with my oils. I know they’ll help you and your friends too. :)

Also, if you don’t know how to start telling your friends about essential oils, there are TONS of free resources in these groups for you to use.

So anywho, that’s what you need to do to get your essential oils for free.

Sign up four people with your link and you’ll make $50 for each person.

When you join my oil family I can help walk you through that in more detail. If you’re already apart of Young Living, reach out to your upline for support if you need it. :)

If you haven’t already joined Young Living, you can become a part of my oil family by clicking here. Enter 13779914 as your enroller/sponsor numbers and please let me know if you have any questions.

Need a step-by-step tutorial of how to get your oils? I gotcha covered :) Read How To Sign Up For Young Living.

How To Get Your First Enrollment

I created a free eGuide walking you through how you can get your first enrollment.

If you’re an email subscriber you can access that freebie here. If you’re not a subscriber yet, join for free here.




Let’s be Instagram friends! @kara_beth17