Written on 7/5/17

Dear God,

I know you write each of us unique love stories, and that some of us will get married someday and some of us will be single forever. Thank You for the plans You have for us! I praise You because you are creative in how each of us looks different, have different personalities, and have different stories.

God, if it is in Your will for my best friend to get married someday, I want to pause and pray for her future husband.

First off, I pray for his relationship with You.

May he seek You with all his heart, and may he find You (Jeremiah 29:13). May he have a strong desire to read Your Words in the Bible and to communicate with You through prayer. God, I pray that he would seek you more today than he did yesterday!

I pray for his church. May he have a place to serve there and may he learn lots about you through attending that church.

I pray that he would be encouraging to everyone he meets and that he would point them all to you through his actions and through his words as well. May he encourage his Christian friends in their walks with you and may his non-Christian friends want to learn more about you by seeing how he lives.

Secondly, I pray for his relationship with my best friend before they get married.

I pray that he will treat her with respect from the moment they start dating. May he treat her well and have her back in all circumstances. I pray that she would respect him as well. May they listen to each other and learn how to have good communication with each other. May they have lots of fun together, but also face trials together so they can learn how to depend more upon You.

I pray for strength for them when it comes to the realm of sexual purity. May they not ask, “How far can we go physically?” but rather “How far can we go to push each other towards Christ?” Give them the courage to stand apart from the world. And please give them wisdom in this area and help them fight temptation.

I pray that he would slowly replace me as the “best friend” in her life as they’re dating. I pray that she would truly consider him her best friend and may they love to spend time together.

Please give their families wisdom and guidance. May they help him and her know if the other is the right one for them. And then once my best friend does realize that this guy is her future husband, I pray that she would have incredible peace about it that can only come from You.

I pray for their future marriage.

I pray that he will be a good leader for my best friend when they get married. May he love her like how You love the Church, and may she respect and follow him like how the Church respects and follows You.

I pray that they would have great love for each other, and joy in you. May they experience peace. Help them be patient and kind with each other, forgiving each other when they get mad, like how You forgave them (Ephesians 4:32). May they be faithful to each other all the days of their lives.

May they be completely humble and gentle. Patient, bearing with each other in love (Ephesians 4:2). May they seek You together. Guide them closer to You.

I pray that You would bless them with fellow newly-weds to become good friends with. May they find older married couples too, and may they look to them for wisdom in what a godly marriage looks like. And may they find singles to encourage towards you as well.

God, if you bless them with children someday, I pray that my best friend’s future husband would be a great dad. May he be patient with their children and show them what a godly man looks like. May she be kind and loving towards them as well. Give them wisdom in knowing how to raise their children. And I pray that someday their children would come to call You their Savior too.

God, there’s so much more I could pray for my best friend’s future husband, but I think I’ll pause for today.

Thank You for Your mercy and grace and for never giving up on us, even when we give up on You. Thank You for coming down to earth because You loved us so much (John 3:16)! Thanks for dying on the cross and for forgiving us of our sins.

Thank you that someday, You’re coming back to earth to take us home to be with You. Thank you that your Church will get to marry you someday, and I pray that my best friend and her future husband will look forward to their future wedding to You as much as they look back and remember their own earthly wedding.

I love you so much!

In Jesus’ name I pray,


I’m literally bawling. 😭😭😭 This post has been hidden in my drafts folder since July 2017.

You guys, I’m bawling because my best friend is engaged and she’s getting married this coming July. And this prayer is literally fulfilled in her fiancé.

And I’m so grateful 😭❤️

Thank you, God, for answering my prayer and sending my BFF an amazing guy! Please continue to bless their relationship. 

2 thoughts on “A Prayer for My Best Friend’s Future Husband….

  1. Dananai

    Ohh My gosh Kara I’m so happy for you!!!!!Thank you for making the prayer for her. Come think of it l’ve never prayed for my best friend and she’s been having trouble in this sector of her life. I guess it’s my turn! By the way l love what you do! I’m such a big fan.

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