Growing up I’d always hear adults say that there comes a point in your life when wedding season comes around and all of your friends marry and start their own families. That point in my life is right now it seems. Or at least, the “wedding season” of my life has begun. Last year alone, I attended eight weddings. This phenomena of having so many people I know marrying all at once has made me feel all sorts of emotions…. Read more »

I found out in July that I would be student teaching at the same school my mom works at. The day I found out, I made the mistake of declaring in front of the pre-teen girls I nanny for, “It might be confusing having two teachers with the same last name at one school. I need to get married soon so I’ll have a new last name.” To which the eldest girl gasped, clasped her hands together and squealed! “What’s… Read more »

There are many reasons why it can be hard to be content while dating someone. However, with just a slight mindset change, contentment is obtainable. I’ve talked about discontentment A TON here on Joy Because Grace, but most times it’s been in regards to singleness and being contently single. However, it can also be hard to be contently dating. You see, it can be hard to be content while dating especially if a lot of your friends start getting engaged… Read more »

Tears stung at my eyes, threatening to spill over and run down my cheeks. I reread the email: “…I am not content I am not happy I wish I was never a Christian then I would have found a mate instead of waiting and waiting…” Oh sweet sister! I blinked back the tears. And then my sorrow turned to anger- not towards this reader, but towards our enemy who made her wish she could trade her salvation for a husband…. Read more »

Do you ever find that when you attend a wedding, you get a bucket-load of ideas for your own far-off wedding? Me too. For instance, when of my cousins got married when I was 16, Aunt Nita (not my cousin’s mom, a different aunt) asked me if I had thought about my future wedding at all. Flustered, I couldn’t say that I had. What sort of info was she looking for here?? As if she had read my thoughts, Aunt… Read more »