Today I want to chat about an amazing product that has helped my periods tremendously! Keep reading for a review of Semaine!

Over the past five years, I’ve been on a journey to find natural ways to relieve period cramps.

I’ve discovered certain essential oils help me. I’ve started drinking raspberry leaf tea.

But even still, sometimes I still need to take a pill. I don’t really like depending on Midol or Tylenol to get me through my cramps because I know that taking a lot of those pills isn’t good for me.

My friend Anna Faith started talking about Semaine on her Instagram account. Semaine is a company that produces natural period pain relief pills. They are hormone and drug-free and instead use natural herbs that fight inflammation!

One day, Anna Faith said that you can now purchase Semaine pills at Target!

I live in a small town, so my Target didn’t have Semaine (so sad!). I was able to search online and found out that Target in Round Rock sells them. Conveniently, I was going to meet up with my best friend in Round Rock that next week.

I instantly texted her and asked her if she would mind us going by Target real quick so I could get the pills

She agreed, so a week later we met up at the Round Rock Target. As we searched for the pills, I gushed to her what I had learned about them and told her I was so excited to try them.

“You could try them too, ya know!” I suggested.

“Hmmm… maybe someday, but I don’t think so today,” she replied.

We browsed Target a bit more and ended up in the kids’ book section. She picked up a baby book and we looked at it together.

“That was cute,” I said when we finished.

“Do you think I should get it for my baby?” She asked shyly.

My brain froze- I looked at her with wide eyes and my hand flew to my mouth. “YOU’RE PREGNANT???”

“I’M PREGNANT!” She squealed. “I was trying to hint at it earlier when you asked me if I wanted to try that period stuff haha!”

#I’mOblivious lol!

I started my period a few days later and I was so happy to discover that Semaine really did work for me! I’ve since used it for four cycles and I haven’t needed to use Midol or Tylenol! Semaine really does do the trick!

Today I wanted to give a full Semaine review.

Honestly, I think that if you have periods you need Semaine in your life! But hopefully, this review will help you decide if you really do want to buy Semaine.

Let’s start off by talking about what’s inside Semaine pills…

The Ingredients:

On Semaine’s website, you can learn about each of their ingredients and how they help fight cramps and other PMS symptoms. Click on the links below to learn more about that ingredient.

I love how transparent Semaine is with their ingredients and how they explain why they chose each one.

The Ordering Process:

You can buy Semaine from some Targets as I did. The Target pack had 12 capsules and I think it cost about $8. In my opinion, that’s really expensive but I wanted to try it before I ordered a larger jar from their website.

Well, as I said, Semaine totally worked for me so I decided to buy more from the website.

I could buy 36 capsules for $32 OR I could “subscribe and save” and get 36 capsules for $25. That’s what I did- I’m currently getting a jar of 36 capsules every 3 months.

I love that it’s on a subscription for me- this past month I realized I was starting to run low on the pills. But that very next day I got an email from Semaine letting me know that my subscription would process soon!


A week later, a new bottle of Semaine arrived at my door.

How many Semaine capsules to take?

I chart my cycles, so I know exactly when my period will arrive. I start taking Semaine 2-3 days before my period starts. The day before my period I take 2 capsules.

Then, once my period starts, I take 2 capsules in the morning and two at night. I only have one day of bad cramps, so typically that’s enough for me. Sometimes though I take 2 in the morning of the second day of my period.

This is Semaine’s recommendation from their website: “How to use: Take 2 at a time as needed up to four times a day starting when you feel the first PMS symptoms.”

I have a discount code for you!

Use the code karabeth20 for 20% off your order or shop using my link. (I get a commission from your purchase- thank you for your support in this way!)

I hope this Semaine review was helpful!

Want to learn other ways I support my period naturally? Check out these posts:

Also, I chat about periods and cycle charting all the time on Instagram! Come join me- @faithfilledfertility

One thought on “Semaine Review | Natural Period Pain Relief

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