Have you ever wondered “How far is too far?” or “What boundaries do I need in my dating relationship?”

As Christians, we know that sex belongs in marriage, but there are often disagreements about what kinds of physical affection is okay to do before marriage. Hugs? Holding hands? Kissing? Cuddling? The list of questions can go on and on.

And usually, people say, “The Bible doesn’t mention dating, so anything other than sex must be okay.”

I was listening to a Stephanie Mae Wilson podcast last summer, and she referenced a scripture passage I had never tied to dating in my brain, but now that it’s connected it makes perfect sense to me.

Today we’re going to go over this Bible passage and discuss how far is too far.

The answer might not be what you are expecting!

My friend, allow me to invite you to a coffee date because season 2 of the Coffee With Kara Podcast is here! Whoo-hoo!

I am so excited to be bringing back my podcast this summer and I have some great content lined up for you! So subscribe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen :)

Are you ready? Grab your favorite drink, a snack, and your Bible, and let’s get started!

Let’s Chat About How Far is Too Far!

If you’re able, I would love it if you would turn to 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 in your Bible while you listen to this podcast. The bulk of our conversation comes from this passage. If you’re planning on listening to this episode while you drive or do the dishes, no worries! :) I read the passage multiple times in the episode :)

Also- In this episode, you get to hear just how much I mix up my words LOL! Just as if we were having a real-life conversation, I often had to reach for water when my mouth was dry or go back and clarify when the words I wanted to say didn’t come out correctly.

Thanks for bearing with me and being my friend despite my awkwardness :)

You can listen to this episode of Coffee With Kara in a few different ways.

You can search for “Coffee With Kara” in your iTunes podcasts app. It’s also available through Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more! (Full list here!)

Or, you can listen here by clicking “play” below :)

Resources mentioned in this episode:

I would love to hear your thoughts about how far is too far!

Learn how to leave a voice message to be included in the podcast here. :)