I love using colors in my Bible! And Bible highlighting is such a great way to do that!

When I first started reading my Bible on my own back in elementary school, I highlighted every passage I read. Seriously. My Precious Moments Bible had pages upon pages of neon yellow words, simply because my little 8-year-old brain thought you were supposed to highlight what you read.

I have since learned that highlighting every sentence isn’t the best Bible highlighting method.

Instead, it is far more useful to have a strategy behind what you highlight in your Bible.

I wrote a post a few years ago about how I was using colored pencils in my Bible. I still sometimes do a similar method, but it’s been a while since I color-coded every word in a passage.

Lately, I haven’t been using color in my Bible at all. Just my black pen as I write notes in the margins of my She Reads Truth journaling Bible.

And while this is fine, I feel like using colors was just so helpful for me.

Using colors in my Bible kept me engaged with the text.

Instead of passively reading, I was actively looking for descriptions of God and commands for me to obey so I could highlight them accordingly.

When I reread the passage later, I remember key themes right away.

For instance, when I read through John leading up to Easter 2019, I highlighted the word “believe” in pink each time I read that word. Belief is a key theme in John, so now whenever I read a passage in this book I’m reminded of that fact and this keyword stands out to me.

Similarly, using colors in my Bible helps key phrases stand out.

When I read through Hebrews my freshman year of college, I kept two highlighters by my Bible at all times: a pink one and a purple one. I used the purple one to highlight any info about God, and I used the pink one to highlight any info about people.

This method helped those key phrases stand out.

A problem arises when you highlight every single word- nothing is special and nothing can stand out.

Maybe you won’t be like the 8-year-old Kara and you won’t highlight every page all at once. But maybe you’ll be like the high school Kara who highlighted the verses that stood out to her in Ephesians. And then when she read Ephesians again she highlighted new verses that stood out. Until eventually, every verse in Ephesians was practically highlighted.

In my mind, when I think of Ephesians I think of cotton candy, simply because of how colorful that book ended up after several years.

When I reread Ephesians now in that particular Bible, the highlights don’t distract me from the text. But I don’t think they really help me learn anything either.

My high school Bible highlighting plan was to focus on the verses that stood out to me… which effectively made my Bible reading time all about me instead of on Jesus.

It’s best to approach highlighting your Bible with a strategy and a plan that goes beyond just highlighting your favorite verses. This strategy doesn’t have to be something you use for the whole Bible, but maybe each book has a specific plan.

But how will we know what to highlight if we aren’t just highlighting our favorite verses?

Enter the Bible Highlighting Guide.

Do you incorporate colors into your Bible study time? Bible highlighting can be such an affective way to study God's Word.


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The Daily Grace Co is my all-time FAVORITE Bible study company. I reviewed several studies of theirs over on YouTube if you’d like to check that out.

Recently, they published a Bible Highlighting Guide, and as soon as I saw it I just knew I had to get it to review for you.

Here’s a video of me reviewing this guide. If you’d like to read what I thought about it, keep scrolling!


I’m gonna use the 5-W questions from elementary school to review this guide 😉

Who is the Bible Highlighting Guide for?

Any Christian!

If you are a new Christian who is only just beginning to study the Bible this guide would be very helpful for you as it briefly discusses the key themes of the Bible and instructs you in how to dig deep into the Word to find key phrases.

If you’ve been a Christain for a while, this can still help you! Perhaps your Bible study time has become stale over the years. This guide will give you tons of ideas on how you can switch things up and study in a new way!

What is the Bible Highlighting Guide?

This guide quickly walks you through an introduction to the inductive Bible study method and explains why this method can be beneficial to you. Then the guide gives you several different things you can highlight.

My mind was blown by how many ideas it gave! Some of these I had never thought of before!

But this guide goes beyond just listing ideas of things you can highlight in your Bible. If that’s all it was, the guide should have just been a blog post instead of a physical book.

No no no- this guide shows you what this can look like. There are examples of Bible passages highlighted in the ways the book suggests.

When should I use the guide?

Whenever you want to go deeper into your study.

Where do I buy it?

You can buy it from The Daily Grace Co’s website by clicking here.

Why do I need it?

The guide is not a rigid system. Rather, it gives you the tools you need to create a Bible highlighting system that works with you, and that can be customized based on the book you are currently reading.

How much does it cost?

Typically the Bible Highlighting Guide is $16. You can snag your copy here :)

Are you interested in Bible highlighting? Have you done it before?

Let me know what you think in a comment below!

I hope you have a great day, my friend!

Many blessings,

P.S. let’s be Instagram friends! @kara_beth17