Do you ever struggle with the motivation to spend time in God’s Word? Do you ever forget to read your Bible until you’re drifting off to sleep, only to grab it from your nightstand to read a verse or two before sleep overtakes you?

*Raises hand*

I’ve noticed that the longer I stay away from the Bible the harder it is for me to get back into it. On the flip side, the longer and more in-depth I go into the Word, the more I crave it.

Have you found this to be true too?

Last summer, the pastor of my church challenged us to read the Psalms during the summer and to set aside 30 minutes a day to do so.

At first, that seemed like such a long time to spend reading…. but then it occurred to me- I usually spend way longer than that on YouTube or Netflix or Amazon Prime Video each day. If I can find time to watch a 45-minute episode of Psych, surely I can find time to read my Bible for 30 minutes.

So I tried it for a week.

I set my phone timer for 30 minutes. I turned on an instrumental hymns playlist I have on Amazon Music. And then I started to read.

It was hard at first, but, as I noted above, it got easier each day I sat down to read.

Throughout the rest of the summer, I read through the Psalms. I’m sad to admit that I didn’t keep up with the 30 minutes a day challenge, but I still finished the book by the end of summer.

And then the school year hit.

And my Bible reading fizzled. Some weeks I was on top of it, reading away. Other weeks I fell short.

I felt horrible that I couldn’t keep up with my Bible reading. What sort of Christian was I?

That’s when I wrote the post “What To Do If You Fall Behind On Your Bible Study.” I needed to give myself some encouragement.

Yet, my Bible reading remained sporadic.

During Lent, I read the book of John. Some days I read entire chapters. Other days, just a few verses. Some days I skipped reading altogether.

Why am I sharing this with you?

I suppose it’s to be real with you. I don’t want you thinking I’m some fabulous Christian who has her life together. Because that’s so far from the truth.

I stumble. I fall. And I forget to read my Bible all too often. Scratch that- I CHOOSE not to read my Bible all too often. It’s a choice. I consciously decide to scroll Instagram or check Twitter at night instead of opening my Bible.

Because reading the Bible takes effort.

It takes brain-power.

And when I’m tired from a long day teaching… well… social media or re-reading The Hunger Games is an easier choice.

And I hate that I make that choice.

I know that in the end, making that hard choice of showing up and reading my Bible even when I’m tired is way more worth it than sleepily scrolling social media.

Reading my Bible reaps lasting results, whereas social media leaves me feeling empty.

So, dear friend, I am about to issue a challenge to you and me.

The 30-minute challenge.

Are you down?

Because I so am.


If you're struggling to spend time in God's word, you are not alone. I struggle too. Join me in taking the 30 minutes a day Bible reading challenge.


This is the challenge: 

  1. Set a timer for 30 minutes.
  2. Turn on worship music (optional).
  3. Pray that you will learn more about God through your reading.
  4. Read your Bible until the timer goes off.
  5. Repeat the next day.

That’s it.

That’s the challenge.

It’s for the same length of time as a TV show, yet it is so much better for your soul.

I started doing this challenge on Monday. I’m not setting a limit on this challenge, such as “Do this for two weeks.” I just want to choose to do it every day. And if I happen to skip one day, I want to pick up where I left off the next day.

I’m not perfect, and that’s okay. God is. He is faithful even though I am not. He has saved me, even though I didn’t deserve it. And because of these things, I am going to choose to spend more time with Him this summer.

What about you?

Let’s be Instagram friends! @joybecausegrace

3 thoughts on “The 30 Minutes A Day Bible Reading Challenge

  1. Crystal

    I found this really helpful! Thank you :) I’ve been falling behind for a while now, always telling myself that I’ll read tomorrow or before bed but I never do. Setting a challenge like this helps it to seem much more manageable. It also makes me realise how much focus I’m putting in everything but God, which has been really helpful to realise. I believe that God showed me your blog. It’s great to take advice from someone that is a Christian girl as I feel I can relate with that more. Unfortunately I don’t have many Christian friends (which I am praying about) This was exactly what I needed to help me get back on track. Thank you and God bless you :).

    1. Kara Beth Post author

      Hi Crystal!
      I’m so glad this post was helpful to you! :) I totally understand the struggle of wanting to read the Bible but never setting aside time to.
      And that’s awesome that you live in England! I’ve been to England twice and I love it over there :)

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