The summer before I started college, I remember being super concerned about the prices of textbooks. One of my friends told me about Slugbooks and I started experimenting with that, but I was still leery of shipping prices. Then I discovered Amazon Prime Student. I had ordered things from Amazon before but had never tried Amazon Prime. I knew that it had free 2-day shipping and that sounded kinda nice, but I didn’t know if there would be any other… Read more »

Shocked and overwhelmed at how expensive college textbooks are? Find out three key ways you can save money on textbooks today!

I remember the first time I looked at my university’s online bookstore. When I saw the price tags, my head spun. How on earth could textbooks cost so much? I wondered if there was any way possible that I could save money on textbooks. I researched a lot and asked friends for recommendations, and it wasn’t long before I discovered a few ways to save money on textbooks. Hallelujah! I started college in the fall of 2014 and graduated in December… Read more »

Shocked at how expensive college textbooks can be? Let me introduce you to Slugbooks. I remember being overwhelmed when I pulled up my university’s online bookstore. I couldn’t believe that textbooks could cost so much! Thankfully, someone introduced me to Slugbooks the summer before I started college. And today I’m passing this magic information along to you! I don’t even want to think about how much money I would have wasted by buying all of my textbooks through my university’s… Read more »