Modesty. If there was a list of all of the controversial topics within the Christian faith, modesty would definitely be on the list. We know it’s important, but what does it mean? How short should skirts be? Are spaghetti straps sinful? What about makeup- how much is too much? Is braiding hair wrong? All of these questions (and more) have lingered on my mind at one point or another. But here’s the thing: none of these “rules” are important. The… Read more »

There are perhaps no days of our childhood lived  so fully as those  we spent with a favorite book. ~Marcel Proust There is nothing as magical as a child curling up in her mother’s lap to hear a Christmas book. Begging to hear just one more story before it is time to go to sleep. Traveling to far off lands found within the beloved pages.Books at Christmas time are even more magical. They spark one’s imagination and spur on the… Read more »