As I’m writing this post, it’s 1:54 A.M. I can’t sleep. I’ve been sobbing for the last two hours. I have a broken heart right now (for reasons that aren’t mine to tell), and I need Jesus to pick up the pieces. So I’m searching for Bible verses that contain truths about how God is close to the hurting, and how he will never leave me. Because he is, and he won’t. And in my heart I truly believe that…. Read more »

This is a guest post by Gema of Beloved Gems  “The more I seek you, The more I find you, The more I find you, the more I love you… “-Kari Kobe Have you found yourself asking why prayer and reading the word is just no longer enough for you?  That question has been pondering in my mind lately.  I keep up with my morning prayers, devotionals and quiet time with the Lord.  But lately, I feel like He is asking more of me.  Prayer… Read more »

This is a guest post by Carrington of Momma Fussell I’m really excited to share something that God has really been working on me in the past few months. Thank you, Kara, for having me today! I’m really excited to share something that God has really been working on me in the past few months. Thank you, Kara, for having me today! Last Summer I took one of my nursing classes called Adult Health 1, and I failed it. I… Read more »

Sometimes, I feel like I’m not enough. Do you ever think that too? Today, I’m sharing about how God makes us enough over on Summer’s blog, Coffee With Summer. Go check it out!! :) You might also like: The Intention of the Artist You are Loved. It is He who Fills Me | Coffee with Megan How Tangled Relates to Christianity 7 Verses for when you are Struggling with Discontentment

Several years ago, one of my dearest friends and I were planning to host our youth group’s first Operation Christmas Child packing party. We were excited for the big day to come so we announced the party in youth group and in the church builtin. As the day of the party grew closer and closer, we were worried. What if nobody showed up? The party couldn’t be a success without a bunch of people coming and packing shoe boxes. I… Read more »

I love rollerskating now. Which surprises me, because when I was eight or so I thought I would abhor rollerskating forever. You see, I had a very traumatic rollerskating experience when I was eight. The local homeschool group rented the skating rink, and so my family went. I didn’t know how to skate well, so I stayed near the wall. Eventually, the DJ called for a couples skate, and my mom and I started skating around the rink holding hands…. Read more »

As I sat down on the pew in church this morning, the thought struck me: I just lied to her. Kacie, the children’s minister, had just come up to me and gave me a hug, and asked: “How are you?” I automatically responded “Good, how are you?” and instantly there was a pang in my gut. I lied. I hadn’t meant to lie… it was like my brain went numb and the words had flown out of my mouth on… Read more »

It started out like any other day. Sure the weatherman had forecasted rain for most of the day, but he says that all the time. I only expected a few short showers here and there like we’ve been getting the last few weeks. So yesterday, my family and I ventured out into the rain to meet up with three other families at the mall’s movie theater to watch Tomorrowland. When the movie ended and we were leaving the theaters, we naturally… Read more »

So often I find I don’t tell God “thank you” when he answers my prayers. It’s not like I’m not thankful He answers prayers- I am!- I just forget to actually thank Him. Especially when I consider my prayer requests to be insignificant. What’s up with that?? For example, I often quickly pray for safe travels when I’m driving. And when I arrive safely at my destination, I forget that prayer ever happened. God answered my prayer, but I treat… Read more »

So often I rush the future. For instance, when I was in middle school, Facebook was the new big thing. Everyone of my friends were getting an account and they constantly chattered about it at school. I wasn’t allowed to have a Facebook. I begged and begged and begged my mom to relent, but she wouldn’t budge. The thirteen year old me could not understand why everyone else was allowed to have a Facebook, and I wasn’t. If I could… Read more »